Vague Adventures: Update 1

Monday 28 September 2015

Well, it's been a quiet wee week over here, hasn't it? Apologies for that, I fell off the blogging bandwagon for a bit there. I've tons of half written posts in my notebook, and a few more ideas besides so hopefully I'll be back on track this week!

Now, a couple of months ago I wrote a post about mine and Davids plans for the next year or so titled 'Vague Adventures' and it certainly lived up to its name...vague! I wanted to get it all off my chest, all my worries and anticipations, all my thoughts about these plans we had, but in a way that wouldn't give away what we were planning. I had to keep it that way just incase anyone from work happened to come across the post, or someone important in our lives who hadn't been told yet. As an added bonus, it was fun seeing friends who had read it but didn't know what our plans were, seeing the confusion in their faces and getting to tell them all about it!

Since that post way back when (April) our plans have totally, drastically, completely changed and because of that I'm going to share it all here with you, out in the open!

The Original Plan: Canada!

We were going to move out to Canada to work for a year, or thereabouts. My parents have a friend in Toronto who runs her own mortgage company and she pretty much invited us to come out and work in one of her call centres, either in Vancouver or Toronto.

Like, what?! Obviously, we said yes! We were so incredibly excited at the thought of living in Canada. Canada! Both of us have always wanted to go to Canada, it looks absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. So we thought this would be the perfect opportunity, go for a year or so with a job to support us while we explored and lived and worked and experienced Canada. What could be better?!

Movements were made, slowly but surely, and we had separate Skype interviews with a lovely girl from the company. It was basically a legitimate job interview, which stupidly we weren't entirely prepared for so it was super awkward. Well, I thought it was super awkward. David thought it was fine. Take from that what you will!

It was during these interviews we learnt that we would "more than likely" be placed in a call centre in Toronto. I was hugely disappointed. I'd had my heart set on Vancouver from the very beginning! The gorgeous scenery with the skyscraper mountains, sprawling forest and sparkling ocean with the city nestling in a valley in amongst it all....I mean, it's no wonder Vancouver was pulling at my soul! It looks heavenly! Just look at it!

Vancouver - Pixabay
As I had built Vancouver up in my head so much, Toronto paled in comparison. In my head it became nothing more than a boring, dull city with nothing exciting or beautiful in it. Now, obviously I've never been so I don't know what either of these cities are really like, so I'm sorry if I've offended anyone! I'm sure there are many amazing, exciting things to do in Toronto and I can't wait to visit it someday, but my heart was well and truly in love with Vancouver.

At this stage I began to doubt whether I really wanted to go at all. I felt genuinely heartbroken at not getting to live in Vancouver, I mean I'm pretty sure I nearly cried about it! The more that we talked about it, the more we questioned whether we should go or come up with a different plan, the more our minds began to change.

Planning - Pixabay
David has always, always wanted to go travelling. As in, properly full-on backpacking, preferably through South East Asia. It's so standard, it seems like something that literally everyone has done, so much so that the magic has kind of been taken away from it. But even still, the beauty and the cultures that are waiting to be seen and experienced in South East Asia, and all over the world, cannot be denied! Who really cares if everyone else has done it?!

We kept joking around during our planning for Canada, about just dropping everything and going travelling instead. Again, the more we joked about it, the less it became a joke and more a serious question.

Why don't we just go travelling for a few months? 
If we go to Canada we'll be stuck working in a call centre full time. We might be put on different work shifts. 
We'll have to rely on weekends and holidays to be able to explore. We don't even know what the holiday/days off situation is like in Canada. 
Living in Canada is crazy expensive, we'll have to pay rent, insurance, everything else and try to go places/see things. What if we can't afford to do anything?
We would see more if we went travelling. 
We wouldn't have to work until we come home. We'd have more freedom.
We could go travelling instead.

We could go travelling instead. 

That's pretty much exactly how our thought process went! We decided that it would be way more fun to travel by ourselves for a while and not be confined to one place!

The New Plan: Travelling S/E Asia!

Our plan at the moment is to keep saving. As per usual, I'm doing terribly and David's doing really well! We're aiming to start our travels in March '16 for about 3 months or so, and we're both so excited! We need to work out a list of Must See Places and try to figure out the best way to book flights etc. but I feel alot more at one with this plan than I did with the Canada plan. I don't want to say that I'm comfortable with it, because quite frankly travelling without having fully planned and prebooked accommodation or transport and living out of a backpack is well outside of my comfort zone! But I do know that it's going to be an amazing experience, and so I can sacrifice the comfort that a prebooked hostel would bring!

I still think it would be amazing to move somewhere completely new to live and work for a while. You would get to experience the city in an entirely new way, be completely immersed in a new place and culture! But I also want to start living my own life fully!

I turn 25 in December, I still live at home with my parents and my job is pretty mind-numbing. I want to start moving on with my life and with David! I want to get married, move in together and focus on our future together, and the more plans that we make the further and further pushed back that's going to get. I've been back home for 3.5 years after living in Wales for uni, and as much as I love and appreciate my family I cannot live at home for much longer!

In an ideal situation, we will save up go travelling for a while, come home and get new jobs, start saving again and eventually start our lives together in earnest. But, as you all know, I suck at saving so who actually knows how long it will take!

Anyway, we're super excited about travelling through South East Asia, I can't wait to start planning where we want to go!!

Have you ever been travelling before? Feel free to give me some tips!