My Top 7 Autumn Activities!

Thursday 17 September 2015

I woke up this morning at 6am and it was still pitch black outside. Usually the sky is already lightening and the sun is coming up, and if it's a clear morning there are a pretty array of colours in the sunrise. It makes getting out of bed so much easier.
But nope, not this morning. It was still super dark! That says to me that, even though I've been eagerly awaiting Autumn since the 1st September, it's finally on its way here! Now all we need is for the leaves to hurry up and change, and my HM clothes order to arrive so I can wear cosy autumn clothes! Anyway... I just thought I'd make a list of my favourite activities to do this Autumn!

1- Forest Walks
I mean, obviously. I love these walks all year round, forests are wonderful places! But they are infinitely better when there's a million different colours in the trees and (if it's not been raining) crunchy leaves on the ground! Soggy, slippy leaves are not as great...

2- Rainy Forest Walks
In saying that though, I do love walking through a forest in the rain! I much prefer a crisp, cold, dry day to a rainy one hands down, but as long as it's not too heavy, forest rain is quite nice, mainly because most of it has been caught in the leaves of the trees above. The sound of rain falling into trees is lovely and soothing, and the earthy, pine-y smell it brings out in the forest is the best thing ever!

3- Collecting Conkers
While on these forest walks, keep your eye our for conkers! You can reimagine you childhood and tie them in some string for a fairly competitive, possibly injury-inducing game...Or you can collect them all up and place them around your house! They are amazing at keeping spiders away! We have them scattered everywhere, on the windowsills, on shelves, behind the TV, in the bathroom, they're seriously everywhere! But spider-sightings have gone way down in the last year, which is always nice!

4- Defrosting Over A Coffee
I love it when it's so cold outside that I can get all wrapped up in a coat, big scarf, hat, gloves and boots for all of these walks, and my nose gets chilly and my cheeks rosey! There are few things better than heating yourself up again in a cosy cafe over a steaming hot Hazelnut Latte and a slice of ginger cake!

5- Halloween Prep!
Last year David and I stayed in, decorated a gingerbread house and watched Hocus Pocus! This year will probably be something similar, maybe with pumpkin carving and dunking for apples thrown in too!

6- Board Games
If the weather is too terrible to venture outside, which is highly likely, then it's time to snuggle up with a cosy blanket, have lots of snacks on hand and pull out some board games! Some personal faves are The Walking Dead Monopoly, Articulate and Cluedo! It's a great way to spend a stormy day.

7- Present Shopping
It's a great time of year to start think about Christmas gifts. Sorry if it feels too soon for some!! I've decided that I'd like to before organised this year, so I'm going to start gathering things up soon! It avoids the mad rush of the shops in the run up to Christmas and it helps keep panic levels at bay that you've forgotten somebody! It's also kinder on the old Bank account as purchases are more spread out and less painful!

What are your favourite things to do this season?