Why I Quit My Job To Travel

Saturday 28 January 2017

At this moment in time, as I'm putting pen to paper, 
I'm sitting in a froyo cafe (my current place of work) on my break, 
looking out the window at the torrent of snow that's probably blanketing my poor wee car,
(side note - later on it took me a solid 15 mins to de-ice my car...)
and all I can think of is roughly this time last year when I officially "handed my notice in" 
and let my old job know that I was leaving to go travelling. 

That was quite the day.
There were so many different feelings, all these different kinds of emotions
all tied up in that one act of voluntarily leaving a stable place of employment, 
all for 3 months of the unknown.

December 2016 Reads

Thursday 12 January 2017

December is always a super busy month,
what with anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, catch-ups & carol services,
so I actually didn't get as much reading done last month as I had planned!

What I did read, however, was all absolutely amazing! 
I'm still very much on a fantasy/dystopian/YA kick 
and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

These genres have so many fantastic authors with so much to offer
and I plan to devour every amazing book I can find!

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!
The first book below is the conclusion to a series, so if you haven't read the first 2 books yet,
the blurb might give some things away! 

One Little Word 2017

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Happy New Year, friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a fab New Year, however you chose to spend it!
I really hope it was more exciting than mine...
I was wrapped up in bed, struck down by a horrible chest/cough/cold thing...not the way
I had hoped to spend the last night of 2016 if I'm honest! 
Thankfully, it happened a day or two after Christmas day, 
so I was able to enjoy all the amazing food and drink that Christmas has to offer 
before I was confined to bed with only toast & water!

Anyway, now we're in 2017!
How weird is that? How long does it take you to get used to saying/writing the new year?
It usually takes me a good few weeks!
A brand new year, 365 days full of opportunities & experiences 
waiting to be grasped with both hands.
As this new year begins I want to carry over something that I did last year,
in place of creating New Years Resolutions or goals.
I'm sure you've heard of it before; the One Little Word project.