May Round-Up & June Goals

Sunday 7 June 2015
Sunset at Browns Bay, N.I
As appears to be the theme so far this year, June has arrived way too quickly for everyone’s liking. If I was still in school, I remember exactly how excited I would've been around this time of year. Never mind exams and schoolwork and all that other rubbish, it was almost time to be off for 2 whole months!! Exams were just an inconvenience and the sooner they were over, the sooner we got to leave for the ever glorious summer holidays.

As it happens though, I'm no longer in school, or university or any other type of education so unfortunately there is no super long summer for me. Which, by the way, is totally unfair. I'm pretty sure that 99% of the people in full time employment would be entirely up for 2 months summer holidays. I think it’s something that all companies should look in to, for the well-being of their employees, obviously.

If you do happen to still be in education, then make the absolute most of your super long summer. Seriously. Don’t take those 2/3 months for granted, because it really sucks when you can’t take the entire summer off in work.

This year, my summer is looking like any other time of the year. Except, it might be a tad warmer. I’ll still be in work, for the most part, and feeling incredibly jealous of all those people who get to be outside if it does happen to be warmer than usual. But, you know, this is Northern Ireland, and yesterday (1st June, the official start of summer) was so horrible, the rain was absolutely ridiculous & the wind was absurd. So nice, summer-y weather is never guaranteed!

I also don’t actually have any summer holidays planned, which is very sad. Mainly because we are trying to save money, but even still. A holiday would be nice, hint hint!


For my May Goals I hoped to:

- get a haircut
- print some pictures
- start exercising/being healthy again
- go camping
- make a pretty big decision.

I didn't do too well with these if I'm honest. My hair still needs cut, I still need to print pictures off & I still need to up my game on being healthy.


We did go camping! I'll do a separate post about it, but it was a very nice few days, so relaxing & chilled out. Gosford is one of my utmost fave places, so it was just lovely.

There has also been some progress on the whole Vague Adventures thing. Not enough that a final decision has been definitely made, but enough that it's getting a lot more scary & a lot more real. And also a lot more confusing. But still, progress is progress!

June Goals 

Get a haircut - Carried over from last month. The need is even more dire now.

Print photos - Also carried over. I have so many on my laptop, but I really need physical photos.

Get healthy - Also carried over. I feel like this one is just going to be ongoing forever!

Buy NO books - Implementing a book buying ban for this month because I feel like it's getting out of hand. This also includes e-books!

Save substantial sum of money - This should be helped by the book ban, hopefully!

Continue with Vague Plans preparations -Research/decision making banter.

Clear out my room - There's barely space to move in my room at the minute, so a massive clear out is necessary.

I feel like most of my goals are so standard, especially things like saving money, and clearing out my room. But they drastically need done, my room especially. I might actually try and do it this weekend, and try to force myself to be absolutely ruthless. I'm a massive hoarder, I hate throwing/giving things away so my pretty tiny room always ends up over-crowded with stuff I really don't need.

So yeah, another standard month of goals that may or may not be completed. We shall see in 4 weeks time! Wish me luck. 

Are you setting yourself any goals this month?