September Round-Up & October Goals

Thursday 8 October 2015
October Goals

It's that time of the month again where I let you know how well, or more likely how badly, my goals for the last month have gone! I always have such good intentions, but somehow my motivation/will power just cannot keep up! Septembers goals were slightly varied in comparison to previous months, but as usual it's a mixed bag in terms of how successful I was in completing them. Let's power through, shall we?

September Goals

- Up my blog game = kinda done?
Ha! Well, isn't this perfectly timed? Last month I decided I wanted to start posting more meaningful, personal things instead of the usual weekly round-ups and random faff. Funny thing that it should be time to review my goals for last month right around the time when I feel like I've lost my blogging mojo?! Anyway, before I fell into the rut that has been the last 2 weeks, I found it pretty difficult to pursue this goal. Uploading a post that actually means something is a heck of alot scarier than simply sharing what you've been up to all week! It means getting personal and putting your vulnerable self out there for all to see. The fear of judgement is so real and ever-present, I think that is what held me back a bit this month. Although, I think I did fairly well with this post, this one and this one.

- Read more Christian Lit = work in progress!
I'm about half way though CS Lewis' Mere Christianity, which to no surprise I'm absolutely loving! I also started Together, which is kind of like a journal/memoir written by a handful of different Youth Workers, all about their experience in youth ministry and any words of wisdom they want to share. I'm really enjoying it, it's actually the first youth ministry book I've ever read, so I imagine it can only be inspiring!

- Stop buying O2 Bolt Ons = not done
Yeah, I completely failed at this one, I've bought two. Where I work, I get next to no human interaction for most of the day, I'm stuck in a storage room scanning endlessly! So, as there's also no wifi, mobile data becomes my best friend and when I run out of it, life in work is pretty terrible!

- Scrapbook = work in progress
I did make slight progress with this one. I've had it out, planning the next couple of pages and making sure I have all the photos I need for them printed off! I do need to get stuck back into it though.

- Get a haircut = nope
I'll just leave this here...

- Get healthy = work in progress
We're still going to the gym, semi-regularly! I'm terrible at wanting to go in the evenings, I would far rather go home, snuggle down into my duvet and watch TV, but David is trying his hardest to drag me out of the house, bless him. I really do appreciate it, I know how important it is to be active and get healthy, but that doesn't change the fact that I'd rather have a chilled out night than be sweating it out in the gym.

October Goals

- Stick to a budget!
Okay, so for the last week or so I've been researching/looking into creating my own "Budget Planner". I've been trawling the internet looking at online printables, and came to the conclusion that I'd be better off creating my own, as alot of the downloadable ones were uneditable, meaning I couldn't swap out or change categories or columns that I wouldn't need! I took inspiration from several different places, mainly from searching on Pinterest, but in the end I just created a table in a Word Document, and went from there! I'm doing this because I want to keep a tangible eye on my finances, and I feel like having a specific place to write it all down will help me keep track of my spending! This month I'm going to try really hard to pull back on spending unnecessarily and track everything I do spend in my Budget Planner! They seem to be quite an American thing, but I do feel like it will help motivate me to save harder and make my money go further!

- Find more blogging inspiration
I've already mentioned it a few times, both in this post and yesterdays, but for the last week or two I really feel like I've hit a brick wall when it comes to blogging. It hit all of a sudden, but I'm trying my hardest to climb over it and keep going! One of Davids Aunts bought us the Enchanted Forest colouring in book because she heard from Davids mum how much I like colouring-in, isn't that just the sweetest thing? So alot of my free time has been spent doing that! It's so calming, and easy, and it actually really settles me at night time before going to sleep! But, in saying that I do need to shake this blahness about blogging off, and jump back in, so it's one of this months goals!

- Write about my faith
I've mentioned the fact that I'm a Christian a couple of times on this blog, and at the beginning I shared a couple of posts about Jesus, but recently I've been holding back on it. I feel like this really needs to change. Being a Christian is part of who I am, but at the minute I've been too nervous or scared to write about that for fear of judgement from other people! This nervousness and fear about sharing my faith is something that I need to conquer, because I am not ashamed of believing in God, so why shouldn't I write about Him on here, in this place that is supposed to be an extension of who I am?

- Get a haircut
No explanation necessary...

- Get healthy
Still obviously a work in progress! I will be able to run for 20 minutes without wheezing!

- Get stuck into scrapbooking
An activity for this weekend, perhaps!

Wish me luck! Have you set yourself any goals for this month?