Looking Forward

Wednesday 5 April 2017

I have a question for you...
Do you think it's important to have something to look forward to?
 To have something to fix your eyes on, to strive towards, 
to make working long, hard days worth it?

David & I talk about it pretty often, the need to have something there 
that we're looking forward to, to make everyday life worth it,
to make working opposite shifts to each other worth it.

To answer my own question; I do.
I think it's so important to have things to look forward to.
Whether that's a holiday, or an event, or a catch up with a close friend,
having something to focus on & anticipate is one of the things I find most important in my life.

I don't know when exactly this started, or where it came from 
but it's something I've felt for a good few years at least.
I always need to have something on the horizon to look forward to.

There are the big things I'm looking forward to, 
like getting married & moving in together, 
starting a home together, a family.

Being focused on preparing for our future together is a massive push for me.
Working full time when we'd much rather be away travelling again
is worth it because we're saving for all of these "big things".

But it doesn't always have to be something huge.
As long as there is something in my upcoming week, or month
that I can look forward to, I will be a happy girl!

 It can be as simple as a coffee date with David on my next day off, 
or planning to buy a new book or 3 once I get paid,
or knowing that I'm going to have a whole day by myself to relax.

Having that thing to look forward to makes it easier to push through the
long shifts of my new job. 
It makes working 8 or 10 days in a row seem a bit less terrible, 
if I have something at the end to keep my sights on!

It makes working hard & doing awkward shifts worth it.

Even if I'm not spending money,
(which I'm trying really hard to do & failing miserably),
as long as I have something each week that will perk me up
I can guarantee that week will be 10x better than a week with nothing.

 So I thought I would share with you some of the smaller things 
I'm looking forward to in the next few months.
Because, let's face it, the "big things" are a good while away yet!

1// Being off this Sunday
In my new job on a hotel reception I work on a shift/rota basis, 
with the working week running Friday-Thursday.
Since I started in the beginning of February, 
I think I've only been off about 3 Sundays in total!
So I'm really glad I have this Sunday off, 
I'll get to go to church & our youth programmes without having 
to worry about leaving early to make it to work in time.
It will be so nice to have a chilled Sunday for once!

2// Easter
I love this time of year when Spring starts to make an appearance,
the days get longer and the sun comes out,
and everywhere looks so pretty with flowers blooming and the occasional bout of blue sky.
The thing I look forward to most, though, is Easter.
The run up to Easter when we reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made 
& the trauma He went through, and then the absolute miracle of the resurrection!
Jesus died for me, for my sin. 
He fought death & won, & He did it for everyone on Earth.
But, I fully believe that if I was the only one alive, He would have done it all for me.
And I fully believe that if you were the only one on Earth, He would have done it all just for you.
Easter is such an important time of year for me, when I take time to actually 
think about all the things that Jesus has done for me.
The Easter Dawn service at the shore where I live is so special as well,
even thought it's at half 6 in the morning!

3// My bestfriends birthday!
Her birthday is this month and every year we do something really fun,
expect for last year when I was in Vietnam!
I've no idea what we'll be doing, 
I just know that it's always a great day, so I'm excited to celebrate with her!

4// A Court of Wings and Ruin
ACOWAR is released on 2nd May and it's the third in 
Sarah J. Maas' series of books 'A Court of Thorns & Roses'.
I am so excited for it to come out! 
I love this series, I love the characters 
& I love all the twists & turns of Maas' storytelling!
It's safe to say I'm very much looking forward to this release!

5// Paris!
David & I are going to Paris in May for 4 days,
and I am SO excited!
I've been before but I was 11 & on a school trip,
so I barely remember any of it.
I can't wait to explore the city with David & fingers crossed
the weather is beautiful, for some super pretty photos!
We're also going to Disneyland for one of the days
& I can barely contain myself!
If anyone reading this has any Paris blog posts or recommendations,
fire them my way please!

Let me know what you think!
Do you need things to look forward to?


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